How do I know if my nonprofit is ready to apply for grants?
Click HERE to download our Grant Readiness Checklist.
Does FGG write grants for free?
No, unfortunately, we have budgets for smaller nonprofits ($500,000.00) to larger nonprofits with multi-million dollar budgets. Click HERE to see our pricing and the package that fits your budget.
What does FGG do?
Click HERE for Video Explanation. Click HERE for a Quick Summary.
We have two functions: Grants Professional Services and Educational Programming. We write multi-million dollar grants for nonprofits and private schools. Our services include grant project management, consulting, program evaluation, foundation/corporate grant reviewer services, and program design/implementation.
Our comprehensive programming supports literacy and remediation programs throughout our community for underserved and underrepresented students while providing evidence-based, intensive outside-the-school-day learning opportunities and summer enrichment for our students by providing tutoring services, books, STEM kits, high-quality materials, college prep services, on-campus field trips to after-school and summer programs, high-impact reading interventions and targeted supports, targeted mathematics and expansion experiential activities, and feeding programs.
Do you work with organizations outside of the United States?
No, unfortunately, we only work with U.S.-based organizations with a heavy concentration in Florida.
Do you work with youth sports teams?
No, unfortunately, youth sports have very niche funding sources, and it's an area that our company doesn't deal with.
What is the typical budget of a nonprofit you will work with?
We only work with organizations with a budget of $1,000,000.00 and up.
Does FGG find grants for individuals or companies that do not have a 501(c)(3) status?
No, we only work for nonprofits with a 501(c)(3) status.
How do I become a client?
Click HERE to see our pricing and the package that fits your budget.
Are you taking any new clients?
No, we currently have reached our capacity of clients and services.
Can I apply for a grant from Foster Grants and Giving?
No, our company is not a private foundation or a grant-making foundation.
Does FGG give out grants to other nonprofits?
No, we only support other nonprofits with educational resources, supplies, food, and services.
How long will I receive funding if I purchase a grant-writing package?
It depends on your nonprofit's impact on the community, how long your nonprofit has been around, and the area you are seeking funding in. When you apply is an essential factor, as funders generally give the most between October and December to finish off their fiscal year.
What companies and foundations have your clients received funding from?
With over $350,000,000.00 in grants and donations secured for our clients, click HERE to answer your question:
Are your nonprofit programs the same thing as your grant writing services?
No, our programs are a separate function of Foster Grants and Giving. Click HERE for more information.
How do I start a nonprofit?
Click HERE.
Is there a training or class I can take to learn about starting a nonprofit?
Yes, click HERE.
Can Charter and Private schools apply for grants?
Yes, as long as they have a 501(c)(3) status.
Can churches apply for grants?
Yes, because they have a 501(c)(3) status.
Does FGG apply for Federal grants?
Yes, but because federal grants are an extensive process, we charge $8,500.00 per application.
Do you work for new nonprofit organizations?
Generally, no for the following reasons:
Most brand-new organizations are not likely to be competitive for grant funding immediately.
Grantors typically want to see evidence that your organization is making an impact.
They also want to see how effectively you build a solid and active board of directors, create and manage budgets, carry out quality control, and more.
This process can take at least a year to demonstrate.
What are the reasons most foundations reject proposals?
They do not have enough funds to accept every request.
The request falls outside of the funder's giving interests.
The applicant did not follow the application guidelines.
We often give straightforward advice: "If you do not qualify, do not apply."
How quickly can you write a proposal?
It Varies:
Established nonprofits – seven to ten days.
Newer organizations or first-time grant seekers – up to two weeks.
What do most grantors require?
Financial statements include an annual budget, year-end financial statements, and year-to-date financial statements.
Questions related to your business plan.
Your three-five-year strategic plan.
Your long-term fundraising plan.
How will you measure the success of your proposal?
What are typical grant deadlines and responses?
Each funder establishes deadlines for proposals and may only have one or two deadlines per year.
Most funders take about three to five months to respond to a grant request.